Announcement: We regret to say that the book Maring Phonic tone which was published earlier in this blog was not edited very nicely. Therefore we are uploading the edited book which is very easier to read than the previous version . We suggest you check it out the new version. As always we welcome articles and suggestions from you all.Maring Progressive Forum wishes you a happy and prosperous Christmass and New Year to all its readers.Thank you for supporting our endeavours to develop Maring dialect.

Youth Column


Mayepi : Santaachim Moran Dangshawa

Anphoubung Village
She dwells in the seashore where sea kisses the land
She’s The Queen of Arabian Sea,
Where enchanted with the golden color of dusk sunshine,
Where sea sings angelic songs for her,
Where seagulls recite the beauty of the location,
I wonder how beautiful the place she dwells...
She’s living in Queens’s palace.
And my life was so changed, so dramatically,
She doesn’t want anybody to suffer,
Her concern and care for her friends,
That is her best attitude, the personality she has...
But she sometimes, I can hear her lamenting,
That the pain Going through deep down inside her heart,
Bears herself unannounced to anybody,
We talked through emails without sound,
About the lives, we are facing day by day,
I cannot see her but I can see her heart,
I joined the site without the knowledge that she’s in,
And in a few short months, I was overwhelmed
I had something I had always dreamed of,
A friend that is you', I ever wanted and more.


Minou Yulrei Koyaingam yei Maye Laaring (Kanyerna)

                          “SHINA RAMKUL MARINGA RAM”

1.   Tlaini thukna lhangrei ram,
Muidaini warbi klei ram,
Thak lhangrani khiyou ram,
Dak lhangrani kitao ram,
Shina ramkul Maringa ram.

2.  Ramkul aya minpuk khou,
Ramlim aya markhol khou,
Khulim koumak phungbang khou,
Yu-cha kounak shunna ram,
Shina ramkul Maringa ram.

3. Ramkul aya daput khou,
Ramlim aya waila khou,
Pater rullei raminya,
Naicha kani karbelei,
Naiyu kani minlhanglei.

4. Pater Rulmansham mei yuk mayen khou,
Mokal-lheiyo Ko-shontamrung,
Mebungsuirum, Angmuksha,
Langkhang Tollo narabni,
Marngei khoumeh Maringa ram.

5. Shina ramkul Maringa ram,
Ramlim aya tangbang nung,
Yukshil pilo muidai ram,
Hut mayung chiptam marchunbi
Buchalei meh naiyuni.

                                  TLAIPANG TLAIRI DOU AROU

1. Bangei paarri paar muiknam,
Yen marhoi yanang duidui yen muiknam,
Naril makkurra hunikhi,
Khalril makkura nengle paikhi,
Kringril makkura teile naokhi,
Tlaipang tlairi dou arou,
Lungshi kringril mangurchia.

2. Shuwangei laakhi shamakkura,
Heiya lungshikhi yenmakkura,
Manthrallei huikhi yemmakkura,
Heiya kanrilkhi mangurchia,
Tlaipang tlairi dou arou,
Lungshi kringril mangurchia,

3. Milim kailim taangkhaibi,
Micheem kaicheem yerkhaibi..
Miphung kaiphung shilkhaibi,
Wangmai wangmai leirilbi,
Tlaipang tlairi dou arou,
Lungshi kringril mangurchia.

4. Tul maliprabni lou maliblak,
Mucha thimirabni loumuchalak,
Raakrou makkura tlaipangra,
Ninga hillou hungdongnara,
Hungraak keirou neiyakhi,
Lhimni dongmak roume huiyakhi,
Tlaipang tlairi dou arou,
Lungshi kringril mangurchia.

                                          “O! THANGRINGEI PAAR KUL”

1. Baimak tang borrabbei tlaipangra,
Dunpuwei lhoulamrab luiwurkhoubi,
Calvary crossdoura hiwurkhoubi
Thangringei paar kulla kallengkur.

2. Paarlimmo! O! thangringei paarlimmo!
Kounakchaang machalya lhangaiyo!
Jesuni kallo kanchangni,
Kurungei phalpheira rabombi
Thangringei paarkulla warleime.

3. Lhereini dil dilya theelanung,
Paarlimrab khunglhebi nuileime,
Paarlimmei hutdikya thibini
Jesuni yot yotya louleime.

4. Paarlimmo! O! thangringei paarlimmo!
Kounakchaang machalya lhangaiyo!
Jesuni kallo kanchangni,
Kurungei phalpheira rabombi
Thangringei paarkulla warleime.

                          MACHUL PUNG YENNAKKURA

1. Neilang taangla hunglungura,
Hingna rona heiborouwa.
Shipaan thayei marthini,
Phungle daarle marhukbi.
Manshokrouwa bi kantang,
Machul pungri yennakkura.

2. Kala kanrillei lhereini,
Marhuk rouwa tlaipangra,
Kalah kanangei meikangni.
Mathrilna bikhi leimarou,
Dai kalhimkhi weimarou
Kalah mahuini mar-umrouwa,
Machul pungri yennakkura.

3. Hatdur khoula arou khat,
Hiwurame horou khat,
Raallei raalpaoni tlaipangra.
Nungthou katok thimmura,
Michap ungrao khunrabni
Bi kantangrou daam rullei,
Machul pungri yennakkura.

4. Tlaipang paallei thimirab,
Lhawai shulbi kleirab,
Paangmak thimi kounakni.
Ning yungleime kanril kanril,
Ungrao leime chapni chapni
Pao louninglei phu rum rum,
Machul pungri yennakkura.

                              KARKHAI YAMAK KANTHRING PAAR

1. Tlaipang paallei yuithangkui,
Thangkui rillei yuilaira,
Paarlim khani louparlei,
Khamang khat le khangou khat,
Yuini meini mitbongyen,
Tlaipang tlairi kimbong yen,
Paarhei roumeh kanthring kanthring,
Karkhai yamak kanthring paar.

2.  Tlaipang tlairi naammani,
Khangou paarya lanilei,
Khamang paari karhallei,
Khangou yatom layeise,
Heitáng lanung kanthring kanthring,
Heithiklanung karbom karbom,
Khani pukhat chanthungmeh,
Karkhai yamak kanthring paar.

3. Ashi toubi kanrehlei,
Atou bini kandanglei,
Tlaipang tlairi naammani,
Nungai yatom rapaamlei,
Kalah yari karhallei,
Heiya nungkhi yamanmak,
Khani pukhat khattomme,
Lhekhi doukhi khatsimeh,
Machu tomcha karlhikmeh,
Karkhai yamak kanthring paar.
Bairil yamak kanthring paar,
Karkhai yamak kanthring paar.

4. Marhoi naimak paarhoumeh,
Duikur naimak reilimmeh,
Chaankar shangei paarhoumeh,
Tlaipang thimi naammani,
Paarlim khani pukhatkou,
Raal kardouril dongnaimak,
Tlaipang paallei yui thangkui,
Thangkui rillei yuilairei,

                             DOUWA HOIYEI RUNGCHAAN

1. Douwa hoiyeinung marno thunglak,
Mantrangei nung martal thunglak,
Shun chatnawa Inu Yupayei,
Chimmakna lhoura rikraiya.

2. Chalei makhei tuiyei tuithil,
Mailei makhei manikkei manikthil,
Pánglei makhei maniyei manithil,
Chànlei makhei khiyangei khiyangthil.

  3. Douwa rabbei rungchaanri,
  Ninga hillei shuklaime,
  Lhou pángnimak douwari,
  Manik yaomak rungchaanme.

  4. Douwa hoiyei rungchaanri,
  Rungkhi lhangaiyei lhangaithil,
  Thinung muidaiyei muidaithil,
  Mansham leiser kallothil.

Momoson Tontangayei Hou Ran na thangnaabi maye Kanserna( Poem)

Maringayei meishar 'HOU RAN'!
Neiyei mangal duini warraso!

Ipbi leikur maringa rapni,
Mulaksu neiyei kwar mangalya.

Khangbanglaklo neiyei meishar chouni.
Ukning hanthayei kalloukhi,

Karkaopimaklo mitdeo maringa thralni ngakleime neiyei mangalya yui khat nakni!
Kameni kwarku leikalhonchangmak nakni

Mangyerkur hoiniyaso maringayei kameya neiyei mangalni!
Karkaomaklo! Maringaya malungshi thralni 

neinungtlim Dunpunung karyom buchaleime!
Dunpuni phor pipi hoiniyasu!

- Tontanga Momoson Maring
RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand.



By Khullak Meson Maring



Khullak Meson nei malungshina nuwi

I remember the day

When my mom

Hug me with love

In her creative hands.

Oh! The day was to joyful

Stretching her arm and

Teach me how to speak and walk

Inspire me to follow in father footsteps.


In my troubles you guide me

When in lose, you put will

When I cry, you convince me

When in dark, you lighted my spirit.

How can I forget those days

When you first take me to

A new world of education

Asking me to choose a dream

And never to step back.


Your face is still in

Front of me

When you got tension

Not seeing me for a minute

Calling and asking in neighbors.


Mom, how could be your day

Without me in your loving care

We may be far away

But your thought brings nearer.

Wish are in my heart

Waiting for the moment

When you will hug me

When I return home

Bringing a new light in your life.        

I love you MOM………

To connect with Khullak Meson on Facebook click here

Poems of  Molung Angjoy


Yenpalbi kulvisongsong,
koubung kangkoubung, mongsaphai wasaphai,
angturi lunglim damlim
khu lailai palshung lailai.

Lhaini kathukura maringa nunglim,
marnowase duini ukning khying ase,
choudui tangdui hoinanung
kwar hoinanung tangla nak.

Hewur makso dangshawa momanrilrung,
lhowa angteshang duini kothilran,
phunkhou wase bangei wari,
hoithung nanung maringa wari.

Maye ase angtuyei lhaipangrou,
keiyei maringa,
kanthou wase, chawase, maye yase
shawase kanthounei laa ahya.

"Kanring Kei Wahei"
duun ahni kandring kei kneengmeh
kounakei marnim khou phal phei heirou

artha makura kandring kei wahei.
oh! Lungshiri lungshimeh tanghakni,

tonshamya duinikhi lungshi khoumeh
lungtrim neiyei lingkham loushayei nung,

kandring keiyei waheini shamm wurkhou
heiya nangni duun ahyei hokarya

  Lovely reishilpaar

Oh, lovely Reishil paar
Blooms on the top of the hills,
That falls without using embellishments.
Great is the jealousy for thee.
Do I fall intentionally myself?
Its the wind that causes me to do so.
Thus I fall down, wind do nothing.
Having a loose hold on the stalk the flower drops.

To connect with this budding poet on Facebook ,please click here or email him at

I am sorry !

K. Angphun Maring 

I feel something special in the air.
Then when I met you in this world,
I know it was you I breathe for!!
Then the specialty in the air was gone.

I breathe faster & slower uncertainly,
I forgot to ask and think, who am I?
What for I am in this world?
Who gave birth to me?

Where is my family?
24X7 become one,
Day & night gives equal luminous
Seasons doesn't change!

Only I know and see is:
You, You and Only You!

You ask me to stay away?
I did.
You ask me to study?
I did without concentration.

You ask me to be good?
I tried my best.
You ask me to wait?
I did

But you don't ask me to leave?

Then, You left me & I..I..I...
I am still here to hear "Yes I love you too"

You give me the toughest thing to bear.
And I have come across the hardest part of my life.
'Coz of that today I am here
Perfecting myself

You have done everything for me
Iam sorry that I have never asked you anything
I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!!!! 

To connect with K Angphun Maring on Facebook on Facebook pliease click here

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