Announcement: We regret to say that the book Maring Phonic tone which was published earlier in this blog was not edited very nicely. Therefore we are uploading the edited book which is very easier to read than the previous version . We suggest you check it out the new version. As always we welcome articles and suggestions from you all.Maring Progressive Forum wishes you a happy and prosperous Christmass and New Year to all its readers.Thank you for supporting our endeavours to develop Maring dialect.


Some Maring photos found on web

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                   Photo Courtesy:

                                  Photo Courtesy: Kansam Modar Maring

Photo Courtesy ; Parhai Kothil

Photo courtesy: Kansam Modar Maring

Photo Courtesy :Kansam Modar Maring

Photo Courtesy: Kansam Modar Maring
Photo Courtey : Kansam Modar Maring

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Photo Courtesy : MK Kissinger Maring

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