Announcement: We regret to say that the book Maring Phonic tone which was published earlier in this blog was not edited very nicely. Therefore we are uploading the edited book which is very easier to read than the previous version . We suggest you check it out the new version. As always we welcome articles and suggestions from you all.Maring Progressive Forum wishes you a happy and prosperous Christmass and New Year to all its readers.Thank you for supporting our endeavours to develop Maring dialect.

Hou Ran Online Special Issue

Maring traditional Dance

Campaign for Nungkaap

By:Moshining Tontanga

Dear all,

Time has come for all of us for a change. 

What change ... ... .. A change to proclaim our Identity.

Dont we have Identity? Yes we do have our identity. 

But then why change? 

A change for strenghthening our Identity.

As you all know there happened to be annual gathering at one of the villagesof Maring like MNBA Association.It keeps burden to the host village. It makes known only to ourselves nobody elso know about us.
I really prefer the way Gang-ngai is celebrating.

Why cant we organise at one place somewhere around Imphal valley so that our ulture and identity are exposed and known by majority tribes?

*Every villages would contribute something for the occassion. Every villagers would participate on the occassion.
**Every items would be included during the function. You name it we should have it type.

**Preaching, war dance,

**Folk song, beauty contest, History and everything.*
We can call it as "NUNGKAAP FESTIVAL"
Let us start campaigning for happening the festival as soon as possible.
Hoping to get your ideas from all of you

Yours truly
Please share your views. 

YoYou may contact the writer at or at Facebook by cliking here

Ka Maringnga

Mayepi:Maylightson Tontanga

Keiyeikhi chim                                                            Keiyeiri klal
Neiyeikhi chim                                                            Neiyeiri chim

Keiyeiri chim                                                                 Keiyeikhi klal

Neiyeiri klal                                                                  Neiyeikhi klal

Ka maringa thimi kantangyei ukningra khalrillei. Heiri tlou touna kantangra keiyei khalbi duini toubi kalei heini chimmura. Leipak-kei,Church yei,phung-yei, Area yei duini tlim-yeitlou tounara keiyei touthut lou heini chim, keiyei khalthut idea heini chim toubi mayunglei.

Fig ahyei. Lower Left Corner ahrou kai asiyei kalei Maringa thimi yei khalkaril wakhal ahya mutlei. Tlou bam kantangra keiyei khalthut duini touthutbi kalei tlou ahni chim. Neiyei khalbi duini toubini kalei tlou ahri kalal. Keini duini chim, chim heiri keitam tomni.Asi toubini khalbini kalei ahniri koukhi langai duini chim ahya muphamakrou.Kounirou khi ka Maringa tlim ahya tangbang changmakrou.

Fig ahyei Upper Right Corner rou keiyei khalbini duini toubini kalei tloubam kantang kalal-lei.Neiyei toubi kalei tloubam kantang chiemlei toubini mutlei.. Ahnaksi wakhal ahri baimak -kei ukning mandi wakhal meh.

Fig ahyei Lower Right Corner rou keiyei khalkhi, neiyei khalkhi chimmak toubini mutlei. Asi toubini khalrilbi kalei yanri tlim ahya koukhi tangbang choubang makrou.

Fig ahyei Upper Left Corner rou keiyei khalkhi, neiyei khalkhi chimlei.Keiyei khalnara kwat duini klal ahya nangni chimyerlei toubini mutlei. Tanghakni leipak, yullai, church duini tlim ahya tangbangnarou thimi kantangyei responsibility hoi.
Anaksi wakhal kleibi touthut tlou hoiyanri suimakni tlim ahya tangbang manirou""

To connect with the writer on Facebook click here


By:Korouphun Tantanga

 Issuing and counter issuing self-justified statements over the same matter time and again without giving even the slightest thought of delving deep into the veracity of the reasonable stance and records would only intensify our hatred, devoid of a scope for opening a humane window to come over a negotiating table for an amicable settlement of the present lacuna.       I had no grudge feelings against any individual(s), organization(s). The author of a book knows better than the readers  about the said book. Thus, the explanation and revelation of the intention by the author towards writing the said book cannot be questioned because, who is in the better and juristic position to explain far better than the author himself who pen down and published? 

 I know who my progenitors were, where they came, and how we merged with our fellow brothers and sisters. Precisely,our progenitors, who lived together, dispersed and met at the intersecting point knows the reason more than their off-shoots; the reason why they should again live together like ever before. History, Culture and Affinity  were the only reason for the extant conglomeration of various home-dialect groups into Maring tribe.

The truth of our progenitors was the only mistake being committed as the adage goes "truth is bitter". Unfortunately , they were so naive and ignorant to realize that their progenies would dilute their heart-yearning emotional attachment and spirit of true brotherhood in the days to come. they were so naive to understand that their progenies  would invent an unfounded history, culture and tradition asan excuse to break the cohesive chains of the ancestral  pride by asserting one selfishness, idiolic, heartless and outside-ism like in the present case. to every problem there is a solution because problem which do not have a solution cannot be accredited as a problem.

  I can see that khoibu issue has no solution which implies that it is not a problem; therefore, we should not see it as a problem. rather it is a slight and petty misunderstanding demanding merely our sincerity and efficiency. wait and see who else would come to our rescue? let us conceive the truth in an unbias mindset; see, in the name of compassion, pecuniary and moral aids, and other related contributions by the outside elements, how much our people are degrading. their intentions and actions often differ and contrast as they are aware of the fact that in our weakness lies their secret strengths; don't we discovered?

 Can't we see that in every benefit our people are at loss?

Come on! its high time to give a sane thought over the finest realistic base of you and me. It is my humble request to Maring leaders, intellectuals and particularly to the youths to relieve themselves from the clutch of darkness and ignorance; stop criticizing amongst ourselves rather to delve deep into the root of the issue.we, the youths are the future. The future is ours. Let us not commit the   make mistakes our so called leaders has made. I am not downgrading the sacrifices made by our past leaders. But as the world changes, so also the Marings.

 Let us forgive and forget the past mistakes because only then we can discover our secret strength.

I pray to our almighty GOD to give the leaders of both the parties to endow them a sound mind and body so that our ancient pride of utmost integrity and supremacy is maintained to fulfill the decade longing of our progenitors whose disgruntled souls are watching with tears of remorse and unyielded  desire to build the strongest house that belongs to you and me.
(The writer is General Secretary ,Maring Marnorap ,Delhi.He is from Yulbi Yultang)
To connect with him on Facebook ,click here.You can also email him at

1 comment:

  1. Yawanri bai toini update tou yamakko? Photos ,videos ,Resolutions of MSU,MUA,MNY etc


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